Advanced Draft Pleadings

Price excludes VAT

Locations and Dates

Live Online – 1 October 2024

Format & Delivery


Topics Covered

The topics will include:

  • Written Presentation Skills
  • Particulars of Claim
  • Defences.
Prior Knowledge

No prior drafting experience is necessary, but a core understanding of the relevant procedural rules (especially CPR Part 16 and PD 16) will assist you.

There are also books about drafting available if you wish to gain a little insight into these skills before attending the course.


Pre-Course Work

Please read CPR Part 16 and PD 16, if/as necessary in advance of the course.

The case study will be used throughout the course so it is important that you have read through it before attending.

You should also analyse at least two Particulars of Claim or defences to give you insight into the language, content and structure of these statements of case, why they are drafted that way and how they might be improved.

Post-Course Work

There is no post-course work for this session.

SRA Competences

A4        Draw on a sufficient detailed knowledge and understanding of their field(s) of work and role in order to practise effectively

B1        Obtain relevant facts

B4        Draft documents which are legally effective and accurately reflect the client’s instructions

B5        Undertake effective spoken and written advocacy.