Diversity Within the Profession

Price excludes VAT

Locations & Dates

Live Online – 27th October 2020 (12pm – 1pm)

Key Benefits
  • Session specifically focuses on Diversity as one SRA risk factor
  • Gain an understanding of how better Diversity strategies and planning can benefit individual solicitors and law firms.
  • Short, interactive, cost effective session which can be accessed from any location.
  • Delivered live by practitioners with expertise in diversity within law firms.
  • Designed to cover key SRA competencies
Topics Covered

The topics will include:

  • Why lack of diversity is a problem;
  • What barriers to diversity currently exist within the profession;
  • Grappling with unconscious bias; and
  • What an inclusive firm looks like and how to achieve it.
Format & Delivery
SRA Competences

A1        Act honestly and with integrity, in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements and the SRA Handbook and Code of Conduct;

A2        Maintain the level of competence and legal knowledge needed to practise effectively, taking into account changes in their role and/or practice context and developments in the law;

A3        Work within the limits of their competence and the supervision which they need;

C2        Establish and maintain effective and professional relations with clients;

C3        Establish and maintain effective and professional relations with other people; and

D3        Apply good business practice.


There is no preparation for this course although we do ask that you come prepared to engage with the subject and be willing to get involved with the discussions this programme raises.

Following each session we suggest you complete a personal development plan which will help you identify key action points together with a framework for ensuring that you achieve them.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Develop an understanding of what is meant by diversity within the profession;
  • Understand why it is important both as a matter of law and successful practice;
  • Identify areas for improvement and better understanding; and
  • Develop strategies for improving diversity within your own practice.